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Gorman To Support Dubois Against Razvan Cojanu

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Nathan Gorman believes a stoppage victory over Razvan Cojanu for Daniel Dubois at the Royal Albert Hall In London on March 9 might just prompt the Londoner to face him.


Gorman laboured a little in overcoming the tall and awkward Romanian December before scoring a clear and unanimous 12 round points win


Now it is Dubois’ turn to take the test against the former world title challenger and Gorman suspects a spot of one-upmanship will come into play that could lead to a ’down the line’ fight edging closer.


"It is a two-way street that fight," explained the 22-year-old Gorman. "I can see either Daniel knocking him out early or Razvan cuddling him and doing little tricks then getting to round seven or eight and still doing the leaning on with little elbows, shoulder in the face.


"It will test Daniel’s heart but, on the other hand, he could have the perfect style and end up knocking him out.


"I hope he does, I really do," added the 15-0 Gorman - who returns to the ring at the Morningside Arena in Leicester on February 23 - believing it will fuel the confidence of the 21-year-old Dubois to accept a thrilling domestic duel between the pair.


"He’ll probably think, in his own mind, if I’ve knocked Razvan out I can knock Nathan out and he might get the cojones to fight me. "I’ll be there cheering him on."

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