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'GGG' And 'Canelo', A Crossroads Fight For Both 

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By Andrew Rivera: On September 15 the world will be glued to watching the rematch for the lineal Middleweight championship of the world. Both Gennady Gennady Golovkin aka ‘GGG ‘and Saul Alvarez aka ‘Canelo’ will be looking to prove once and for all who the better of the two is after their controversial 12 round draw almost a year to date in 2017.


While most believe ‘GGG’ won the first encounter, myself included. The fight may be a crossroads fight for both fighters at this point in their careers. The rematch which was to have already taken place this past May 5th, but as we all know of Canelo’s failing of two drug tests in February for Clenbuterol forcing the suspension and postponement for part 2 to take place. Let us take a look at both scenarios for each fighter if they are victorious or defeated.


As mentioned before most felt’ GGG’ won the first fight, he was ready and willing to go to war and show that he should have received the decision and victory. He did end up fighting Cinco de Mayo as scheduled against lesser foe Vanes Martirosyan, destroying him in two rounds. Yes, he was expected to win but he wanted to stay busy having put in his time in training.


In the past it was hard to get opponents to fight ‘GGG’ due to him wreaking havoc, destroying everyone in sight, yet after his unanimous decision over Daniel Jacobs followed by Canelo 1, all the middleweights from alphabet titlist Jarmall Charlo and Billy Joe Saunders calling out ‘GGG’ to Jacobs again wanting a rematch. It seems now ‘GGG’ has more opportunities later on in his career than in previous years.


Some believe age and previous battles have slowed ‘GGG’ down, I myself think maybe age not battles have slowed ‘GGG’ a little but not too much, maybe it was the fact that Jacobs and ‘Canelo’ are better than all the rest of GGG opponents prior and that must give credit to Jacobs and Canelo.


If ‘GGG’ wins the rematch with ‘Canelo’ it will keep him in line to battle Charlo or Saunders for money big fights. If he loses it may entice other top middleweights to want to fight him thinking he is vulnerable. Losing to ‘Canelo’ may also cost him a third match with ‘Canelo’, like the first fight the contract stated if Canelo lost he can exercise a rematch clause, of course there wasn’t one for GGG if he lost when they met.


The pressure for Golovkin to win doesn’t seem to be as much for him as in the first fight, ‘Canelo’ has more to prove this time around. Win or lose GGG will have fights but bigger paydays will be the question if he loses.



Golden Boy Promotions cash cow’ Canelo’ will have all the pressure to win the fight, even if he does come out victorious some may say it doesn’t matter he takes steroids/PED’s to win. Some will say if he loses, see he couldn’t win now that he is clean. Canelo has a lot to do to clean up his image.


‘Canelo’ as we know says it was tainted meat and thus the reason for his twice failed tests, we can give him the benefit of the doubt but when looking at ‘Canelo’ in training videos he does not look as thick as the first fight. It could be different training methods to work on speed and quickness in order to box as he did in the first fight giving him the sleeker look.

Losing to ‘GGG’ in the rematch may also send Canelo’s career in a different path as well, sure he will have plenty of fights to choose from him being one of boxing’s stars but how much of his popularity will follow him. Canelo has lost a lot of respect when it comes to fan base.


Social media seems to show a lot of diminished popularity, each day Canelo or Golden Boy will post video’s or pictures of Canelo training and 7 out of 10 comments are about cheating or clenbuterol. Example, today Canelo post “No sacrifice, No Glory”, this led to a comment of “No Clean, No win”. It definitely has had its affects now and will follow him the remainder of his career.


Winning 2018’s biggest fight ‘Canelo’ will still have his doubters wondering if he did it clean and right, yes it will gain him more money fights with the other top middleweights. Once Charlo gets a little bit more popular to the common fan I’m sure this will be a fight Golden Boy will make once the negotiations are agreed upon with Al Hayman’s group, or maybe Jacobs will be a fight Canelo will want to take. Either way it all depends on what happens September 15th in Las Vegas.


‘GGG’ has always said he wants a “Mexican Style” fight, meaning he wants a war from the opening bell, ‘Canelo’ likes to say he fights a more tactical fight and that GGG’s people don’t know that it’s called boxing. This time around Canelo has stated he will knock out GGG, if that is the case we may see what the fans expected the first fight, a battle.


Hopefully the boxing gods will give the fans justice and maybe just maybe the correct winner will get the victory with no controversy, just a great fight-period.

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